PSAgA Kontrollen/Personal protective Equipment control
Kontrollen von Industriematerial: Gurte, Helme, Karabiner, Seile etc.
(Marken unabhängig). Brauchen Sie Ihr Material am nächsten Tag wieder, kein Problem, Wir kontrollieren Ihr Material auch über Nacht.
Industial climbing gear
Controls of industrial climbing gear: belts, helmets, carabiners, ropes etc.
(Brands independent). Do you need your gear for the next day, no Problem, we check your gear also during night.
Kontrollen von Sportklettermaterial: Gurte, Helme, Karabiner, Seile etc.
(Marken unabhängig)
Sport climbing equipment
Checks of sport climbing material: belts, helmets, carabiners, ropes etc.
(Brands independent)
Spezial PSAgA
Tactical Gear
Kontrollen von Tactical Gear: Gurte, Helme, Karabiner, Seile etc. Wir Kontrollieren überall und zu jeder Zeit.
Tactical Gear
Tactical Gear controls: straps, helmets, carabiners, ropes etc. We controll your gear wherever and whenever.
Spezial Gear
Kontrolle / Reparatur von Spezial Gear: Westen, Pouches etc.
Special gear
Control / Repair of special gear: vests, pouches etc.